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In the rapidly evolving world of pharmaceutical care, management techniques that hinge on technological innovation form the crux of efficient delivery systems. Pharmacy Management Software (PMS) represents an integral part of this technological revolution, integrating a myriad of activities that range from managing medication history of patients to controlling the inventory of drugs.

Through the lens of the Diffusion of Innovations theory, defined by Everett Rogers, PMS can be seen as an innovation that has gradually permeated the industry. Over time, it has shifted from the realm of early adopters to the late majority, fostering a more streamlined, precise, and efficient pharmacy management process. However, this innovative landscape is not static. It is progressively evolving with emerging trends and predictions shaping the future of PMS.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are the fulcrums around which the future of PMS revolves. These technologies are predicted to push the frontiers of PMS by enabling predictive analytics, a process that utilizes data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes. This means that pharmacies would be able to predict future medication needs, manage inventory more effectively, and avoid drug shortages or surpluses. In this context, the Nash Equilibrium, a fundamental concept in the theory of games, can be applied. As pharmacies aim to maximize their utility by optimal inventory management, the point of equilibrium will be where pharmacies, using predictive analytics, can meet patient demand without overstocking or understocking.

Blockchain technology, another emerging trend, offers an efficacious solution to the plaguing issue of counterfeit drugs. By providing a decentralized and immutable ledger, Blockchain can facilitate track-and-trace capabilities, ensuring the authenticity of drugs. Furthermore, the application of this technology can increase the transparency of transactions and reduce paperwork, thereby optimizing workflow.

On the front of personalized patient care, pharmacogenomics is set to revolutionize PMS. By understanding each patient’s genetic makeup, pharmacists can ensure that the right drug at the right dose is given at the right time. This personalized approach to pharmacy management can significantly enhance patient outcomes.

While these emerging trends promise a bright future, it's important to note that they do not come without challenges. The implementation of AI, ML, and Blockchain requires a significant investment in terms of infrastructure and training. In addition, data privacy concerns and ethical considerations add another layer of complexity.

Nonetheless, the Pareto principle or 80/20 rule can be invoked here. Investing resources in these technologies will likely result in a majority of the benefits. In other words, the 20% input in terms of proper implementation and overcoming challenges can result in an 80% output in terms of efficiency and improvement in patient care.

In conclusion, the future of PMS will be marked by the integration of advanced technologies like AI, ML, and Blockchain, coupled with the adoption of personalized care through pharmacogenomics. As we traverse this path of technological evolution, the key will be to strike a balance between leveraging these technologies and addressing the associated challenges. The amalgamation of these technologies with traditional pharmacy practices will revolutionize the way pharmacies operate, ushering in an era of increased efficiency, improved patient care, and heightened business intelligence.